Book Dumb: Played up as this for most of the series, but his grades are actually surprisingly good, to Mira's shock.Blow You Away: Several of his kicks are so ridiculously powerful they generate localized tornadoes upon use.Blood Knight: Loves nothing more than a good fight and his reason for joining the tournament in the first place was to find strong opponents.This trait of his gets played up by one of his alternate selves in the finale, who has grown obese from eating so much but has learned to convert that fat into tremendously destructive attacks that are Cast from Calories. This actually becomes a major plot point when his midnight hunger pangs cause him to accidentally eat a Sage's Pill, jump-starting his transformation back into the Monkey King. Big Eater: If he's not sleeping, fighting, or watching someone else fight, chances are he's eating.Don't hurt anyone he considers his friends. Berserk Button: Don't use Northern Style ITF Tae Kwon Do in front of him if you know what's good for you.Played straight in the far more serious fight between Mori and the First Crown Prince of Heaven, albeit not without the sword managing to cut through his Armor of Invincibility and into his shoulder first. Bare-Handed Blade Block: Humorously averted in chapter forty-two, where his attempt to do so ends with him getting hit on the head after missing.Badass Normal: He refuses to fight with borrowed powers, relying only on his own strength but fights on par with most users regardless.Starting now I'm going to have a funeral for my clone, Hui Mori, with the bodies of 400,076,000 of my enemies. Badass Boast: As part of his Roaring Rampage of Revenge for the death of Hui Mori.When he gets serious however, his face becomes more angular and his eyes become smaller and sharper than before to the point of Bishōnen at times. Art Shift: When he's not particularly mad or serious he's often drawn in a chibi style, especially during his dorky moments where he has a rounded face and big buckteeth.Fighting with Ilpyo who's activating his Charyeok has Mori learn that, ultimately, using Charyeok you're still fighting with your own mind and body, leading him to realize that they're not that different.

A teenager raised solely by his grandfather in the woods, all he really knows how to do is fight, eat, and sleep. Click here to see Mori in Season 3 Voiced by: Tatsumaru Tachibana (Japanese), Robbie Daymond (English)